World Bank Jobs

The World Bank is an influential international organization whose activities are related to the financial and technical development of states.

The official World Bank office is based in Washington, DC. It has more than 100 official representations in all corners of the Earth. Interacts with the governments of about 200 countries.

Every specialist who has taken a job at the World Bank must devote all his efforts to combat global hunger and poverty. These tasks are realized thanks to an effective lending mechanism of the member countries of the association. Most often we are talking about developing countries with economies in transition. The bank’s financial programs help such countries raise the average level of profitability of the population and enterprises, and reduce unemployment rates.

Specialists are recruited to the main office and regional offices only according to certain requirements: international experience in the profession, positive recommendations from authorities, lack of criminal record, good health, higher education in the specialty, knowledge of English.

There is a certain competition for any place of work in the WB. To take part in it, you should send an online application (application form) to the organization. If the candidate approached the requirements, then he is invited to undergo an interview with representatives of the bank (branch).

Among the most demanded vacancies at World Bank Jobs, the following can be distinguished: social development expert, project manager, private and financial sector specialist, analyst, senior assistant to the project manager, regional finance director, development manager, securities supervision specialist, accountant, an economist in the field of agriculture, risk manager, etc.

world bank jobs

World Bank Jobs – all you need to know

For internship, graduate students with specific work experience in the specialty are invited to the World Bank. Completion of the internship does not mean employment in the structure of the bank, but the intern receives a certificate of completion of the internship at the WB. With him, a graduate student will easily be hired by any financial organization in the world.

A candidate for interns must be fluent in French or English, have a certificate of higher education (any degree). If an intern is studying in the final year of undergraduate studies or in any graduate course (graduate school, doctoral studies), then he or she will need to additionally be provided with a referral from the administration.

Interns for 5 months get a job in a real position. During this time, they must perform all the functions in accordance with the job regulations. Distribution occurs only by profession, for which the intern has studied or is still studying.

During the internship, the intern independently incurs expenses for accommodation, transportation, meals and other expenses. Insurance and a work visa (training, internship) are also issued without the assistance of the World Bank.

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